This information on the processing of personal data (“Privacy Policy”) is provided pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016 (“GDPR”), Legislative Decree 196/2003 (and subsequent amendments), Directive 2002/58/ CE (“e-Privacy Directive”) and other applicable provisions and measures relating to privacy and protection of personal data (“Personal data protection laws”), to inform you of the processing of personal data carried out via the website (“Website”). Before communicating any personal data to us, we therefore invite you to read this Policy carefully because it contains important information on the protection of your personal data.


Personal Data (or Data): any information which, directly or indirectly, even in connection with any other information, including a personal identification number, makes a natural person identified or identifiable constitutes personal data.
Interested party: the natural person to whom the Personal Data refers.
Data Controller (or Manager): the natural person, legal person, public administration and any other body that processes personal data on behalf of the data controller, as set out in this Privacy Policy.
Data Controller (or Data Controller): the natural or legal person, public authority, service or other body which, individually or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data and the tools adopted, including security measures relating to the operation and use of the Platform.
User: the individual who uses the Platform who, unless otherwise specified, coincides with the interested party.


Buena Onda S.N.C. by Cubattoli Daniele and Martore Andrea via Lombardia 7/9 – Olbia (SS). VAT number 02263940906


When you use the website, we may collect some of your Personal Data which, depending on the case, may consist of data that identifies you (such as your name), or data capable of making you identifiable.
Your personal data may be collected either because you voluntarily provide it or by analyzing your behavior as you interact with our Services.
The User assumes responsibility for the Personal Data of third parties obtained, published or shared through the Platform and guarantees that he or she has the right to communicate or disseminate them, freeing the Owner from any liability towards third parties.
The Personal Data processed through the Platform are as follows:

a) Common personal data
Contact information (such as, for example, name and email address), identifiers, and Internet and network activity information (such as, for example, IP address, device model, device type, operating system version, device language, device name, country set in device settings, information about the user’s interactions with the application and unique identifying data.
b) Navigation data
The computer systems and software procedures used to operate the website acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow Users to be identified. This category of data includes the IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by the Users who connect to the Platform, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the operating system and the user’s IT environment. These data are used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the Platform and to check its correct functioning, to allow the correct provision of services, for security reasons and to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes to damage to the Platform or third parties; and are normally canceled after sixty days.
To find out how we process your data through the use of cookies, see the Cookies and tracking technologies section.


We will use your Personal Data, collected through the Platform, for the following purposes:
provide the requested Services, such as, registering and accessing the Platform, booking the Seaside Service, providing you with support and responding to your requests assistance, contact you after requesting information and support you in the purchase process of our Services or to resolve any problems you have encountered, send you the newsletter that you requested as a service
send you marketing communications, promotions and advertising, market research and surveys, via email, SMS, push notifications, by telephone, via banner, paper mail, instant messaging, through an operator, through buenaondasurf’s official social media pages .com, as well as for marketing activities in the broad sense (“Marketing”);
send you marketing communications via email regarding products and services similar to those you have purchased (“Soft Spam”);
create your profile by collecting and analyzing information about your activities within the Platform (“Profiling”);
analyze, develop and improve our products and services through the aggregation of usage data and your interactions with the Platform (“Statistical Analysis”);
comply with legal obligations that require to collect and further process certain types of Personal Data (“Compliance with legal obligations”);
monitor how the Platform is used, prevent or identify any abuse or any fraudulent activity to the detriment of and therefore allow to protect itself also in court (“Defence”).


Provision of Services: Processing for this purpose is necessary in order for us to provide you with our Services. It is not mandatory to provide with your Personal Data for this purpose, but otherwise it will not be possible to provide any service.
Marketing: processing for this purpose is based on your consent. It is not mandatory to give your consent to for this purpose and you are free to withdraw it at any time without any consequences (except that you will no longer receive marketing communications from
Soft Spam: processing for this purpose is based on’s legitimate interest in sending you marketing communications via email relating to products and services similar to those you are interested in. You can stop receiving these communications, without any consequences for you (other than the fact that you will no longer receive further communications of this type from by using the link at the bottom of each of these emails.
Profiling: the processing for this purpose is based on your consent collected through the cookie banner. It is not mandatory to give your consent to for this purpose and you are free to withdraw it at any time without any consequences.
Statistical analysis: the processing for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of to improve the products and services offered. it is possible to exercise the right to object to such processing.
Fulfillment of legal obligations: processing for this purpose is necessary for to fulfill any legal obligations. Your Personal Data must be processed according to applicable legislation, which may involve their retention and communication to the Authorities for accounting, tax or other obligations;
Defense: the processing for this purpose is based on the legitimate interest of to identify and prevent any fraudulent activities or abuses in the use of the Platform and therefore to protect itself also in court.


The processing of personal data may include any type of operation including collection, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, communication, transfer and cancellation.
Personal data are processed with automated/digital tools on IT and/or electronic media for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected and using electronic databases/platforms managed by the Data Controller.
the Data Controller has adopted technical solutions and security measures that guarantee the security of personal data and avoid their alteration, loss, incorrect processing or unauthorized access. Personal data are processed at the Data Controller’s headquarters; for Users resident in the European Union, personal data may be transferred, processed and stored on servers located or shared with recipients who may be located outside the European Economic Area. guarantees that such processing/transfers of your Personal Data by such recipients takes place in compliance with applicable legislation. In fact, transfers take place through adequate guarantees, such as adequacy decisions, contractual clauses

your standards approved by the European Commission or other guarantees deemed appropriate. For more information, please write to


The Personal Data processed for the purposes of providing the Services will be retained by for the time strictly necessary for the aforementioned purpose. In any case, since such Personal Data is processed to provide you with our services, may retain them for a longer period, in particular as necessary to protect the interests of from any complaints relating to the use of the website .
The personal data processed for marketing and profiling will be retained by until the User revokes consent. Once your consent has been revoked, will no longer use your Personal Data for these purposes, but may still retain it for other purposes, in particular as necessary to protect the interests of from any complaints based on such processing.
The personal data processed for Soft Spam will be retained by until the User objects to such processing through the link at the bottom of each of the Soft Spam emails.
Personal data processed for the fulfillment of contractual obligations will be retained by for the period required by specific legal obligations or applicable legislation.
The Personal Data processed for Defense will be kept by for the time strictly necessary for the aforementioned purpose and therefore until the moment in which is required to keep them to protect itself in court to communicate such data to the competent Authorities.
The personal data processed for statistical analysis will be retained by for the period required by specific legal obligations or applicable legislation.
To find out how long your data is stored through cookies, you can consult the following section 12 (Cookies and tracking technologies).


You can exercise the following rights provided by the articles. 15 et seq. of the GDPR by writing to the email address
obtain confirmation from the Data Controller as to whether or not personal data concerning you is being processed and to know the origin, purpose, categories of data processed, recipients to whom the personal data are or will be communicated even if abroad, the storage time;
obtain, without justified delay, the rectification of inaccurate data or integration;
obtain, without justified delay, the deletion of data pursuant to art. 17 GDPR;
obtain the limitation of processing where the accuracy of the data is contested or the processing is unlawful, pursuant to art. 18 GDPR;
obtain data portability by receiving the same in a structured format;
oppose the processing pursuant to art. 21 GDPR.
In any case you always have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent Supervisory Authority (Guarantor for the Protection of Personal Data), pursuant to art. 77 of the GDPR, if you believe that the processing of your personal data is contrary to the legislation in force.


Definition, characteristics and typologies
By “cookies,” we refer to any tracking technology that stores or accesses information on your device, including SDKs, tracking pixels, HTML5 local storage, and fingerprinting techniques.
While some cookies and tracking technologies are strictly necessary to navigate a website (for example, cookies that remember your preferences and settings or cookies that keep your account logged in), others require your consent to be installed. (for example, to allow you to receive information about other products and services, or to improve your browsing experience).
Cookies are generally classified:
by purpose (technical cookies, analytical cookies, profiling cookies);
for publishers (first-party cookies, third-party cookies); And
by duration (session cookies, permanent cookies).

This classification is important because, based on the type of cookie, different legal requirements apply.

For purposes

Technical cookies
Technical cookies are used for the sole purpose of transmitting messages over an electronic communications network, or to provide a service specifically requested by the user. In other words, technical cookies are essential for the correct functioning of a site and to provide the service offered and requested by the user. For example, technical cookies can be used to monitor sessions, store specific server access information relating to user configuration, to facilitate the use of co held online, or to track items in a shopping cart or information used to fill out a form. For the use of technical cookies, your express consent is not required.
Analytical cookies
Analytical cookies can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of a service provided. In other words, analytical cookies can be used to track the traffic and performance of a website, collecting aggregate data on the number of visitors and how they interact with the site to improve its services. For example, analytical cookies can collect information on how users access a website, including the number of visitors possibly divided by geographical area, the number of pages visited or the number of users who have viewed a certain section of the website. Analytical cookies, if appropriately anonymized, can be installed without your prior explicit consent as they are similar to technical cookies.
Profiling cookies
Profiling cookies can be used to trace specific actions or recurring behavioral models to specific, identified or identifiable subjects in the use of the features offered for the purpose of grouping the different profiles within homogeneous clusters of different sizes. This allows a company to provide increasingly personalized services beyond what is strictly necessary for the provision of the service, as well as to also send targeted advertising messages, i.e. in line with the preferences expressed by the user while browsing the internet. In other words, profiling cookies can be used to convey behavioral advertising, measure the effectiveness of ads or personalize the services offered in line with user behavior. For example, profiling cookies can be used to create profiles relating to the user and offer content in line with the user’s interests, or to send targeted advertisements or messages. Your explicit consent is required for the installation of profiling cookies.
For publishers

First party cookies
Cookies are installed directly by the website the user is browsing. In other words, the website publisher installs cookies directly without using third-party publishers.
Third party cookies
So-called third-party cookies are set by external providers other than those of the website you are browsing. In other words, the website publisher installs cookies indirectly, using third-party publishers. The data collected by these third parties is governed by their specific policies on the processing of personal data and the use of cookies, over which we have no control. When our Site hosts non-anonymized third-party analytical cookies and profiling cookies, you will be asked to consent to these cookies via a specific banner. Where appropriate, you can manage and delete these cookies at any time by accessing the information on the processing of personal data of third parties.
By duration

Session cookies
Session cookies expire at the end of your browsing session and are deleted after you close your browser.
Permanent cookies
Persistent cookies last longer than a single browsing session.
List of cookies used
You can check the complete list of cookies used by the Site by clicking here.
Cookie management
You can authorize, block or delete (in whole or in part) cookies through the specific functions of your browser. However, we inform you that by disabling technical cookies, the Site may not be available for consultation or some services or certain functions may be unavailable or may not function properly and you may be forced to modify or manually enter some information or preferences each time you visit the Site.
For more information on how to set preferences on the use of cookies through the browser, you can consult the relevant instructions:

  • Internet
  • Explorer
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari

If you don’t use any of the browsers listed above, select “cookies” in the relevant section of the help to find out where your cookie folder is located.
For further information on how to limit the use of third-party cookies installed in your browser, you can visit the website You can also manage your choices regarding third-party cookies using online platforms such as AdChoice or All about cookies.


We may modify or update this Policy, including due to changes in Personal Data Protection Laws or if we need to implement new elements or features that will involve the processing of personal data. We therefore invite you to visit this page regularly

Continue to read the most recent and updated version of the Information. The User’s continued use of the Platform will be considered acceptance of the Privacy Policy as modified.